About Me: Maria Janoo

Born and raised in Seattle, WA, I am currently a rising junior at Edmonds Woodway High School. Being a Pakistani woman, many in my community expect me to uphold cultural norms and get married before pursuing my dreams, however, in the future, I would like to major in computer science and show them that a girl is just as capabale of going to college as any male-- which is why I created my website, Equity in Education.

Aside from coding, some of my favorite hobbies include swimming and creating art! I absolutely love expressing my feelings through my art work, espeically beause everyone perceives it differently. In the past, I created a portfolio page to document my personal photography, which you can view .

Not only am I apart of my highschool's swim team, but I am an active member of DECA, Key Club, and Girls Who Code. In addition, I am taking rigorous courses in Business Managment, and Physics in hopes of attending Barnard to further enhance my computer science skills.